You know you have a winner when your brand has been around as long as Clubman’s been - over 200 years of serving the grooming needs of men around the world. Soon after its inception, the company was courted by companies in California who wanted to market Clubman products in the U.S.
Today, Clubman has perfected each of the products in its wide line-up which includes everything from hair tonics to waxes, beard oils, aftershave balms, talcs and a whole lot more. In other words, Clubman can easily cover most of the average barber’s needs.
Clubman is easily one of the best sellers at and when Barbers stock up on this brand, these are the related product lines they most frequently add to their orders: British Barbers Association Stimulating Conditioner, Merkur Super Platinum Double Edge Safety Razors, Osma Shaving Alum Blocks, Dapper Dan Barber Aprons and Captain Fawcett’s Beard Oil.
Part of what makes Clubman products such an item of choice for barbers to use in their shops is the brand’s appeal to home users. Offering Clubman products on a retail basis has been very beneficial for many barbers.
We have a highly-skilled team of sales consultants here who are always ready to help you with a complimentary training session on how to market Clubman products on your barbershop so you can increase the value of each customer visit.
About our company was established with a singular focus on helping barbershops and salons thrive by serving them with our five pillars: